Friday, September 11, 2009

on official birthdays...

In the US, if it is your birthday, restaurants would bring you a free dessert.

I just learned that in the UK, you would get a free drink !

and, as a colleague was saying, you can identify a path of bars in the "city center" (US translation: downtown) and have as many drinks on your birthday and get awfully drunk!

You can't do that with desserts... cause, well, how many meals are you gonna have to get more free desserts!???

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

big acheivement !

I finished reading (listening) to the "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, which was really fun, well written and indeed well read...

Now, from tomorrow, I would have to carry my book and actually read it, unless I find another audio book to put on my iPod for the rest of this trip...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

From my tiny little studio flat in Oxford


باز هم به اینجا و به اونهایی که اینجا رو می خونن

این چند وقته اخیر سرگرمی شبهام شده فیلم فارسی نگاه کردن
روزها سر کار دانلود میکنم، شبها تو خونه با یه شام مشتی یا گاهی غیر مشتی نگاه میکنم

هوا اینجا سرد و بارونی شده
همه میگن احتمالا دیگه تا چند ماه هوا همینجوریه
امروز برای اولین بار تو آکسفورد چتر باز کردم
و چترم به سرعت یه بندش پاره شد
اگه همینجوری پیش بره یا باید هفته ای دو تا چتر الکی بخرم
یا یه دونه از اون چتر گنده دسته چوبیها

Defragmentation ...


and after: