Beethoven, Pathetique... it took me to old old days... or some new days that has been pushed so much back in my memories...
It has been a while with no music at work. I am truly enjoying it :)
Beethoven, Pathetique... it took me to old old days... or some new days that has been pushed so much back in my memories...
It has been a while with no music at work. I am truly enjoying it :)
اگه بخوام فارسی بنویسم باید از خونه بنویسم که میشه کله صبح!
In one of the emails there was this word: "funeval"...
first read it as: funeral (what!? FUNERAL???)
second read it as: fun eval (hmm.... really fun evaluation!???)
third: fun eval (ooooh... it means function evaluation!)
Apparently I need more time to get tuned to working ;)
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