Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I am writing in English since "again" my laptop broke and is being tested now. Actually, I might get a new laptop this time :D

This is definitely not the first time in my life that I have decided to increase the amount of water I drink each day. However, this is the first time that I am writing down how many cups of water I have drank every day. Basically, for each cup of water I put a mark on a piece of paper that is beside my monitor. And, it actually works.

So, this is the result for this week, so far:
Monday: 5
Tuesday: 5
Wednesday: 6

Comparing it to last week:
M: zero, T: zero, W: zero, T: zero, F: zero

It looks to me that I have improved :D


At 2:22 PM, Blogger Reza Mahani said...

I agree, looks much better now :)
BTW, for me drinking from a bottle is much easier than cup, don't know why!


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