Thursday, April 02, 2009

On ...

On economy (!):
shops open around 9-10a and close 5-6p everyday. A college told me that Thursdays are shopping night and most shops stay open until late... but they were closing when I got to the city center at around 6!!!
well... I would suggest they change their shopping hours so that at least american tourist who are wondering around in the evenings can spend some money and their economy eventually grow !

On biking:
everyone at any time of the day bike from here to there. You would even see girls/women with mini skirts, high hills and make up riding a bike to get to wherever they want to go... I even saw a lady with a business suit, stock her pants into her socks and started biking !!!

On smoking:
Oh, not me!!! I have just seen cigarette boxes in the street with a sign that said "smoking kills"!!!!!!!!!

On fast food:
you can find fast food, sandwiches, sushi and everything in all the soters... the difference between here and the US is that they all look much healthier to me, and as a matter of fact, I have not seen any obese here so far.

More to come later...


At 2:26 AM, Anonymous reza said...

can colleges talk there? ;)

At 10:32 AM, Blogger Shadi said...

he he...

colleague !


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